Joseph Lear


Ready in season and out: I preach and teach at Christian conferences, leadership retreats, and Sunday morning services.

Bursting old wineskins: I am an expository preacher who can bring out the meaning of the ancient biblical texts for our contemporary era.

The foolishness of the cross: I teach on Christian ethics, biblical interpretation, economics, Christian engagement with politics, and biblical leadership.


Tom J. (Pastor/Denominational Leader)

“We have invited Joseph to teach in a number of settings and was always grateful for what we received. You’ll find his teaching and preaching to be thoroughly biblical, thoughtful and applicable for your personal life and local church.”

Armel F. (Pastor/Church Planter)

“I have known Dr. Lear since 2015, and have had the opportunity to listen to him preach and teach. I have invited him to preach in our church on numerous occasions. He preaches the pure gospel of Jesus without compromise and in the power of the Holy Spirit. He has a mastery of Christian doctrine, making the Word of God accessible and applicable to daily life no matter his audience’s educational background. I commend him to any church of any size for any need.”