Consulting with Joseph Lear

I help church leaders diagnose challenges in

biblically informed ways,

prayerfully discern their mission in a way that is

spiritually attentive to their particular situation, and develop a

long term strategy that can be translated into short, mid, and long term plans.

Church Consulting

My church consulting focuses on the quality of ministry, not just quantity of attendance.

In biblical terms, the early church grew in quantity: 3,000 that were saved on the day of Pentecost.

But the early church was all about quality: they had a life together that was characterized by devotion to prayer and the Scriptures, eating together, and having all things common (Acts 2:42-47).

God is always calling his church to grow. But the question for each congregation is, “What sort of growth does God want in this season?”

Qualitative consulting sets your church up for the long-term, ensuring that your church’s preaching, teaching, evangelism, liturgies, patterns of worship, governance, and life together all contribute to healthy, fertile soil for your church to grow.

Individual Consulting

Healthy churches are led by healthy pastors.

I help you answer the question, “What does healthy pastoring look like in my context?” And then I help you get there.

Pastors need the virtues (like faith, hope, and love) necessary to be good pastors, and virtues are born of habits.

I will support your efforts to practice and grow in the right spiritual, educational, relational, and professional habits.

Paul tells Timothy to fan into flame the gift that is within him by the laying on of hands (2 Tim 1:16). Let’s put fire back in your bones to equip you not only for your immediate challenges, but also to target your long term personal goals in the pastorate and at your church.

I specialize in churches under-200, but work with congregations of all sizes, and pastors of all professional settings.

Cost is scaleable and negotiable.

About Me

I have 15+ years ministry experience from across the globe, working in cross-cultural, multilingual contexts in small and large churches.

I have revitalized an historic church in eastern Iowa, and in that time have partnered five church plants across the state.

I was blessed to receive the best education the world has to offer from Yale University and The University of Aberdeen, Scotland.

I’ve written books and curricula, composed organizational bylaws, served as parliamentarian, and preached across the world.

Tired of church growth models that would make your church

a mile wide

but only an inch deep?


Brianne S. (Pastor/Coach)

“Working with Joseph is beyond just a transaction of ideas. It is about partnership. With Joseph’s heart of compassion, vast knowledge, and large network of people, he will help you make Biblical decisions, gain a greater understanding of God’s character and will connect you with others when fitting. I am grateful for how working with Joseph has pushed me to find paths God laid for me.”

Martin M. (Author/Scholar/Pastor)

“The late Eugene Peterson talked often about the need for pastors as scholars. Joseph fills this role; he embodies the combination of an exception critical thinker with the heart of pastor. Joseph Lear is a rare bird among Pentecostals.”

Nicholas K. (Pastor/Church Planter and Revitalizer)

“Joseph is a friendly and invaluable conversation partner in the work of ministry. One of his great gifts is thinking clearly about the complex issues facing the church today. But beyond that, he is guided by a deep commitment to and love for the church of Jesus Christ.”

Heather W. (Pastor/Church Planter/Denominational Leader/Coach)

“Joseph's counsel is deeply rooted in well-formed theology about the purpose of the local church and pastoral ministry. This perspective undergirded our conversations and helped give me clarity about next steps in each season of the church's life during my time as its pastor.”